
This is a picture of a rainforest

Monday 4 April 2011

A Problem With Rainforests!!!!

Today there are many problems with rainforests as the urban sprawl threatens to wipe out the entire population!!!! This makes me feel angry to know that were taking God's creation for granted and if we keep this up we'll dwindle down all the rainforests in the world in just 3 years!! Don't you still wan't a I polluted free rainforest for future generations sometimes It feels like no cares for it and we need to do that NOW!!!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

How can we as Humans Protect the Rainforest?

This Rainforest was worthlessly cut down.
We are the largest users of the rainforest we get our paper,food and furniture from a rainforest and we are using too much in our daily life.Rainforest population is very thin in 2011 and if we go on at this rate there will probably be no rainforests in 3000.We can preserve the rainforest with these tips:To use recycled paper,after cutting down a forest re-plant another forest where the old one use to be,to use second hand furniture,recycle everything you can,to use less wood products and to donate to rainforest preserve charities.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Why are Rainforests so important?

Rainforests are so important to us in our daily life some of them give us food such as coffee and cocoa but all of them give us oxygen if if we cut down all the trees in the world we would all die and all the carbon dixoxide made by our breathing in and out  would suffacate us all to death  as we would only survive a few days without trees.This is why rainforests are so important to us.

Monday 21 March 2011

What Rainforests are found in the world?

There are many rainforests in the world and some of the most famous ones are located in Australia one of these is the Daintree Rainforest.The majority of the rainforests are located in : Brazil,Congo,Peru,Indonesia,Columbia,Papa New Guinea,Bali,Bolivia and many more.As you can see most of these countries are located around the equator so the majority of the rainforests in the world are tropical.
This is a world map of rainforests!

Monday 14 March 2011

What Plants survive in the Rainforest?

Cattleya sp.
I got this from http://www.mbgnet.net/sets/

There are a wide variety of plants that live in the rainforest to many to write them all down but their familys is a different matter there are four diferent families altogether they are: Epiphytes,Mangroves,Prop and Stilt roots,Buttresses.Epiphytes are trees that have adapted their roots to grip other trees and live on them, their roots don't need to be in the soil but they live off air.Mangroves live in the water usually in swamps and canals. Their roots actally don't survive in the water but grow taller and stick out of the water to breathe in the carbon dioxide these roots are called snorkels.Prop and stilt trees grow their roots in very shallowly wet soils.These trees grow very slowly but there roots will grow faster than the tree.Buttresses are large trees so their roots build up extra stability or the tree to live without it leaning over from the weight.  

Saturday 12 March 2011

What animals live in the rainforest?

A variety of animals live in the rainforest such as the capybaras(personal favourite)jaguars,hogs,tigers,pgmy hippos, bird species and many more. The majority of animals live either in the forest floor or the canopy. The capybara is the largest rodent in the world and lives on the forest floor around rivers and lakes.The capybara finds it food in the water and if the capybara is threatened it will swim into the water where its predator won't follow.Surprizly capybaras are excellent swimmers as they have adpated rubber like skin in between their paws.

Monday 7 March 2011

Rainforest layers!

There are four layers within a rainforest they are: forest floor,under story,canopy and the emergent layer.
The forest floor is where the majority of the animals live and thrive,the under story is the middle of the tree trunks usually where moss and algae live on the trunks or low branchs and leaves.


The canopy is the wide section of the top of the trees but not all of the trees some grow taller than the rest of the trees and become the emergent layer.